About Us

My first thought was to start at the beginning...but then I realized that I would be writing forever and you would have cobwebs on you by the time I covered 29 years. I am certain that eventually I will get around to recording Kalisha's life in it's entirety, but for right now I will write about things as they happen.

My desire is for this blog and Kalisha's life to benefit other parents of autistic children and adults, or parents of any special-needs child. I know that every individual is different and every circumstance is different; however, over the years I have often thought, "Wow, I wish someone would have told me that!"

I am not interested in telling anyone how to "fix" anything or anyone. I will not recommend diets, or discuss scientific findings and statistics. My prayer is that through the telling of our day to day experiences -- some sad, some horrific, some scary and some very, very humorous -- that another parent or caregiver will glean just one new thought, or see something in a different light. I'm sure that at times, I will be able to cause you to smile.

As Kalisha's parent, I have made a lot of mistakes -- I haven't always been the best advocate, I've been naive about some things and just plain uninformed about many things, but I do get it right...occasionally. Hence, the title of this blog.


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